YES! d7 has reached version 10, just released this morning. This version was released to d7 Premium AND Free users alike. Here are a few of the more notable changes:
* Added ability to open Notes window at every d7 startup (checkbox to enable is in the Notes window.)
* Added upload only and download only options (which overwrite the defs) to definitions section of dCloud, in addition to the existing Merge feature.
* Added detail on installed RAM modules when clicking on RAM in the top window or the RAM alert. You can still launch CrucialScan.exe via this dialog if desired.
* Added detail on installed RAM modules in Info_Report (slot: speed / mfgr / part number)
* Added dCloud definition merge to Malware Auto Mode options. Optional Download Only (overwrite local defs) or Full Merge (merge and upload) prior to starting Auto Mode; a Full Merge will always occur after running MalwareScan.
* Added new right-click option for custom apps: Run Naked (without Parameters) will run the app without command line parameters, which are typically used for automation and log file specification.
* Added deletion of leftover Windows upgrade/install folders to Maintenance > Delete $NTUninst function.
* Added Move Reports to FTP option after Generate Reports on the Audit/Diag page.
* Added AFD service and Legacy AFD driver repair to Reset Networking Interfaces function (Repair page)
* Added dCloud Self-Hosted option to Config > dCloud / FTP Server settings. Currently only enables dSupportSuite functionality for dCSH users.
* Clicking the Windows Activation alert on the System Info page (first item in the alert column) now launches ‘ReAct’
* Fixed an issue with KillEmAll (internal) terminating 32bit svchost.exe on 64bit systems (this caused loss of network connectivity on certain systems.)
* KillEmAll should now no longer invoke the interactive services detection prompt in Vista+
* KillEmAll now no longer incorrectly waits for you to close the window during Malware auto mode after a reboot has interrupted auto mode. It still correctly waits for you to terminate the window only the very first time it runs as part of Auto Mode.
* KillEmAll Whitelists is now separated from d7 config storage and included with the definitions merge functions (along with dUninstaller and MalwareScan defs.)
* VT uploader install/uninstall process to grab the portable uploader executable is now silent/automatic when the upload to virus total functions are invoked.
* Malwarebytes Anti-Malware functions no longer makes copies of updated definition files or attempts to install them.
* Malwarebytes Anti-Malware installation process will now delete any existing MBAM registry settings prior to install.
* Malwarebytes Anti-Malware function now always registers supplemental files prior to executing (previously this only occurred after an installation.)
* Malwarebytes Free (when detected) now displays the current definitions date in the update prompt when displayed.
* Malwarebytes Pro (when detected) should no longer prompt to update prior to scan (will always attempt silent update when internet access is detected.)
* Malwarebytes Pro (when detected) should now scan/remove items/terminate properly as a fully automated app.
* dUninstaller (UI) now allows for reordering items in the definition files.
* dUninstaller (Auto) now uninstalls items in the order they appear in the definitions.
* dUninstaller (UI) now has options to edit definition entries.
* dUninstaller now uninstalls based on partial strings (not case sensitive) in the definitions. Ex. the definition entry ‘my pc backup’ will flag/uninstall everything with that phrase in it, including ‘My PC Backup 2013’
* Improved function to automatically send keystrokes to open Device Manager, and View Hidden Devices when running Computer Management from within d7. (Function still repairs missing nonPNP category first and performs set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1)
* Made tweaks to restarting explorer.exe after disabling UAC – hopefully Explorer should now more reliably restart as the shell and not just a file manager window.
* Checked list items now stay checked when reordering the items in a list.
* Fixed Orphan Program Files finder on maintenance page to properly scan “Program Files” (without the (x86)) on 64bit systems.
* Fix for issues in running d7 with a different file extension (ex. or d7.scr)
* Fix for d7 failing to retrieve the path it is running from in certain remote environments.
* Finally enabled the 1024×768+ larger interface for d7 Free users.
Thanks to everyone who submitted bug reports, feedback, and general words of encouragement. d7 would never have matured into what it is today if not for the support and suggestions of the community – THANK YOU!
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