d7x FAQ
In fact, to have an active d7II subscription means you are now considered a d7x subscriber, and will be referred to as such in future documentation and emails. Note that some billing related emails may not reflect the new name, nor will Paypal accounts/emails when used for recurring subscription payments.
Change may be required:
All copies of a “d7II SFX Mini” used in remote deployment will continue to download only the last versions of d7II. If configured, d7II could automatically update to d7x with every usage adding considerable time to the initial startup from the SFX Mini, as well as allowing for potential complications (currently the d7II-d7x update process involves 5-7 separate downloads through an updater stub, and would occur after the SFX Mini downloads all d7II components that will be disregarded by d7x.)
- To continue using d7II and the SFX Mini, you should ensure any d7II config(s) used with your SFX Mini have disabled automatic updating of the d7II application from the Config > Behavior tab, in the lower right column. Save and upload any config back to the cloud (or your self-hosted FTP) if the d7II automatic update option was enabled for session or app startup.
- For a d7x replacement to the SFX Mini, (which will download d7x instead of d7II) you must create and use the newer d7xRDT (Remote Deployment Tool) – details are in the d7x Manual.
A: NO for currently active d7II accounts! Customer loyalty deserves reward, so ALL existing d7II accounts which remain active are eligible for d7x based upgrades with NO change in your existing pricing terms. Actively billed subscription plans will continue to be charged at the previously agreed upon rate (as determined when you committed to that payment plan through our 3rd party payment processor) provided that your subscription is maintained without a lapse in payment or service.
* Please note that d7II is licensed at per-technician rates (single tech, 2-5 techs, 6-10, 11-15, etc.) and therefore to increase technician usage at any time would require a new/upgraded license, which does constitute a new subscription plan that may be charged at the current rates. Additionally, any d7II account cancellation (prompted either by customer request, or due to a lapse in payment/subscription without a timely customer response to rectify the missed payment and reinstate service) will require a new subscription to be charged at the current rate for the product during that time.
A: NO! To be honest, some of us believe the usage of the letter ‘X’ in pop culture is a bit annoying, so our ‘x’ actually gets its inspiration from a common convention in programming (and math formulas) to use ‘x’ as the primary variable name. In programming a variable can be substituted with a real value in repetitious code blocks, with ‘x’ often used as the numerical index in For…Next loop statements e.g. For x = 0 to Ubound(SomeArray)… ‘x’ is also the most recognized way to refer to multiple or unknown specific software versions, like referring to a range of revisions at once, e.g. v4.x instead of v4.0 and v4.1 and v4.2, etc.
Either way you look at it, d7x represents a variable: it is ever-evolving and improving to suit the expanding needs of PC repair technicians everywhere!
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